
McLeod (31)

My name is Elyse, and I’ve been doing my absolute favorite job for 10 years…being a Momma!  I have 3 wonderful children, and have decided to begin this blogging journey to share with you about our adventures in REAL food, exercise, and overall health as a family.

I felt convicted in June 2015 to truly take control of my health.  I have learned a lot through this journey and although I am not exactly an expert, I finally feel strong enough to share with the world what it has taken for me to lose weight, get healthy, and teach my children a better lifestyle.  Our middle child has some brain balance issues called Functional Disconnect Syndrome and one of the ways we will help him is through food.  He has a VERY limited diet, and needs to learn to eat REAL food.  We are going to share our journey…the struggles and the victories…so hopefully we can help more people out there who need to transition to a healthier lifestyle.  I’m going to share recipes, ways we are replacing chemicals in our home, exercise victories, a little of our Brain Balance homework and progress, and all the ways we are redefining our family!

I am excited to inspire and support you and you strive to reach your own health and wellness goals.


If you are interested in why adopting a more natural lifestyle is beneficial to you and your family, sign up for my newsletter at www.getoiling.com/wellnessmomma

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